Elizabeth (Eli Phillips) Engstrom, BSN, RN
Research Nurse Specialist II
Biography coming soon
Elizabeth “Eli” Engstrom, BSN, RN graduated from GeorgetownUniversity School of Nursing and Health Studies with a Bachelor’s of Nursing in2009. She has worked at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbiltsince 2010. Prior to joining the CIBS center, Eli worked in the Neonatal ICU asa bedside nurse and shift leader, then an ECMO specialist with the Children’sHospital. She is passionate about improving care for critically ill pediatricpatients, which is what led her to join the CIBS center in 2021. Eli lovesteaching and is excited for this aspect of her job as a Research Nurse. Whenshe’s not at the hospital, Eli enjoys spending time with her family.